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The foul fiend take Malvoisin

Answered the Saxon, “and his keeper both! I will teach them that the wood was disforested in terms of the great Forest Charter. But enough of this. Go to, knave, go to thy place—and thou, Gurth, get thee another dog, and should the keeper dare to touch it, I will mar his archery; the curse of a coward on my head, if I strike not off the forefinger of his right hand!


13 February 2025 from 19:00 to 21:00
Auditorium 4 Jaap Kruithof, Blandijnberg 2, 9000 Gent
Writer Viktor Yerofeyev—whose latest novel “The Great Gopnik” critiques Russia’s escalating cultural repression—will speak about the role of culture and literature in contemporary Russia, with everyone welcome (registration required) and invited to submit questions for discussion.

Translational Research

The halls of the Order, like great bastions of learning, are woven into the very fabric of the allied abbeys and cloisters to which they owe allegiance. Thus, the laws that govern the safety and stewardship of their pursuits are fashioned after the edicts of these venerable institutions.

Yet, as a wise steward would gird his keep with extra fortifications, so has the Order devised its own set of precepts, tools, and mandates to ensure the utmost safety and vigilance, particularly where the delicate arts of alchemy and healing are practiced.

Research Conventions

The Order has thrived, not only in its pursuit of knowledge through the arts of alchemy and natural philosophy but also in transforming this wisdom into benefits that touch the lives of many, achieved through a careful process of technology and trade.

With the strength of its present foundation, the Order now sets its sights on new ventures, striving ever forward to reach the next level of mastery. Their quest is not merely for the sake of knowledge, but to turn learning into treasure that serves the greater good, leaving a legacy that will endure through the ages.

It will not need

Said the Lady Rowena, breaking silence; “My voice shall be heard, if no other in this hall is raised in behalf of the absent Ivanhoe. I affirm he will meet fairly every honourable challenge.

Could my weak warrant add security

To the inestimable pledge of this holy pilgrim, I would pledge name and fame that Ivanhoe gives this proud knight the meeting he desires.

A crowd of conflicting

Emotions seemed to have occupied Cedric, and kept him silent during this discussion. 

  • Gratified pride,
  • resentment,
  • embarrassment, chased each other


From learned scholars to skilled artisans, the Order's strength lies in the diverse talents of those who serve its noble cause.

Brother Alaric

Master of Archives

Lady Eveline

Mistress of Herbal Lore

Sir Godfrey

Warden of Steel